Sub Spotlight: Chuck Watson


Let’s Fly Away Since my first flight at ten years old, I’ve had a lifelong interest in aviation history along with art. Teaching art for forty years allowed me the chance to indulge both. While teaching in Liberal, Kansas I volunteered and served on the board of the air museum there, so after retiring in… Read more »

Sub Spotlight: Ann Alexander


Each month we like to highlight a substitute teacher who has a unique skill, hobby, or story. This month we are highlighting substitute teacher Ann Alexander. I learned woodworking when I was teaching at Lawrence HS. The woodshop teacher, Jay Hundley, taught me how to use all the shop equipment and let me use the… Read more »

Sub Spotlight: Sommer Brecheisen


  Two and a half years ago, Sommer Brecheisen set off on a 3,100-mile adventure with her boyfriend, their two dogs, and a friend. They had decided to hike the Continental Divide Trail, a trail that spans Canada to Mexico. “I thought the endeavor would be a good graduation gift to myself,” Sommer said. “I… Read more »

Sub Spotlight: Jana Hunter


  One of MHED Substitute Teacher Jana Hunter’s biggest accomplishments in life happened this year — surviving nine weeks as a substitute in kindergarten with no prior experience. She also counts that experience as one of the biggest challenges of her life. That’s really something when you consider her background. Before she became a substitute… Read more »

Sub Spotlight: Sherry Crawford


  Sherry Crawford’s Christmas tree farm, Evening Star Pines, started small. “We had the ground, so my husband planted a few Christmas trees,” she said. What began as a few trees has transformed into a full-fledged Christmas tree farm with 6,000 trees of various sizes, fresh wreaths and arrangements, locally made jams and jellies, dog… Read more »

Sub Spotlight: Sidney Grinter


  You’ve seen the sunflower pictures from Grinter Farms on Instagram and Facebook. The ones with people posing amongst a seemingly endless field of sunflowers. The pictures have exploded in popularity recently. It seems everyone has made the trek to Grinter Farms to snap a photo with the sunflowers. But the sunflower field was never… Read more »