Clarence Logan was chosen as the October substitute of the month because he is dependable, willing to work wherever is needed. He is a great team player with a great attitude. Thank you, Clarence, for all you do. We truly appreciate all of your hard work.
What do you like most about being a substitute teacher?
The thing I like most about subbing is my ability to still stay connected with students. I see them at church, in the community and at school. I have only been out of teaching full-time for 14 months.
Why did you become a substitute teacher? What is your background or other jobs you’ve had?
Substitute teaching continues to let me sharpen my teaching skills, strategies, and classroom management. I’ve been an effective classroom teacher, head football, girls basketball, and girls and boys track coach. I currently work as an Insurance Representative and I hold workshops for youth entitled, “How’s your Christian Character for the National Baptist Convention USA INC.”
What is your favorite grade level/subject to teach?
I can teach any grade level and that’s what makes me so flexible. The subject that I have the most fun teaching is Social Studies.
What do you feel the students like most about you when you fill in as the teacher?
The students like my strategies and style because I bring the lesson to life and make it relate-able to their own life.
What do you do in your free time when you aren’t working?
I like to go fishing and just relax.
Tell us about your family.
I love visiting my two daughters. One lives in San. Francisco, California and the other in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I have one son who loves to go horseback riding with me.
Tell us something unique about yourself.
The thing I find unique about myself is I love helping people.