Celebrate Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week May 6 – 10
Substitute Teachers make an incredible impact on our children’s education. In fact, one full year of a child’s K-12 education is taught by substitute teachers, according to the Substitute Teaching Institute at Utah State University. In recognition of all they do, schools across the country will celebrate the approximately 270,000 men and women who fill in for absent permanent teachers during Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6 – 10, 2019.
“Too often we forget how challenging it is for a substitute teacher to take over a permanent teacher’s classroom and provide a valuable education,” said Angela Hunt, Program Director at Morgan Hunter Education. “Hundreds of people in our community take on this challenge and they deserve our recognition and appreciation.”
To show your appreciation for the Substitute Teachers in your community, check out these amazing ideas from STEDI:
For school administrators and faculty:
- Student essay contest: “The Best Substitute Teacher”
- Student “Thank you” notes writing assignment
- Free Lunch for Substitutes
- Recognize Substitutes at beginning of a school assembly
- Recognize at athletic events
- Dinner for 2 gift certificates
- After-school reception in teacher’s lounge
For parents, students and community:
- Write a thank you note to your child’s Substitute Teachers
- Carwash given by students after school
- “Why we appreciate Substitute Teachers” poster contest
- Thank You t-shirt signed by students
- Run an ad or article about Substitute Teachers in school newspaper/newsletter
- Letters to the editor of local newspaper recognizing an outstanding substitute
Substitutes: Enter STEDI’s SubWeek Giveaway
We encourage our MHED Substitute Teachers to enter STEDI’s SubWeek Giveaway. You could win an Apple Watch or one of many other amazing prizes! Enter today: https://stedi.org/giveaway/
Webinar for Administrators
Still not sure what to do to recognize your substitutes? Watch the How to Prepare for SubWeek Webinar: Watch Now.
Visit STEDI.org for more information about Substitute Teacher Appreciation Week.