As an actress, Marianne Tennant finds her skills from the stage work well in the classroom.
“As a substitute, you have to be on because you never know what you are going to walk into.”
Marianne has always had a passion for acting. As a child, she and her eight brothers and two sisters would act out their favorite musicals for their family.
“I really enjoy being on stage,” she said. “I think it’s something I’ve always loved to do.”
When she was in elementary school, Marianne got her first chance to act in her school’s production of “The Sound of Music.” She would go on to join the drama club in high school and eventually earned her thespian certificate. After school, she continued to act in community theatre until she married and had children. Then, when her kids were old enough, they followed their mother’s footsteps and became involved in theatre as well.
“I ended up getting back on stage when my daughter wanted to do a show and they said parents had to hang around. The next thing I know I’m in the show with my daughter!”
Since that show in 2006, she has frequently been back on stage and is currently the president of the Leavenworth Community Theatre.
“We put on four main plays per year: 2 children’s plays, one annual Christmas play, and 2 jazz programs.”
In addition to the Leavenworth Community Theatre, Marianne is also the program director for an after-school theatre program called Curtain Call.
Not only is Marianne an actress and director, she is also a substitute teacher with MHED. She began her career as an educator subbing in Leavenworth in 2007. As a substitute teacher, Marianne loves the flexibility, meeting new students, and spending time with the staff.
She said the students always ask about the plays she is doing, and some even come to watch her perform.
Marianne is currently directing “Alice in Wonderland Jr.” for Curtain Call.