Amber has been a substitute teacher with MHED for a little over a year. She subs in Bonner, DeSoto, Eudora and KCK. She subs in all grade levels but loves the middle school students as well as students with special needs.
When her children were young, Amber decided to go back to college and get a double major in math and teaching. Once she realized that it was too much at that time in her life, she stuck with the math degree and put the teaching degree on hold. Once her children were older she decided to test the waters and see if she wanted to go back and get her teaching degree. Once she started subbing in January 2016, she knew that her love of children and teaching them about our world was something that she loved and wanted to continue doing. “After just a few times subbing, I knew I loved being in the classroom, working with students.” She is now back in school to get her Middle School Math certification.
Amber knows the role of a substitute and works her hardest to make sure the students stay on their academic schedule when their teacher is away. She wants the teacher to know that her students are well taken care of when they have to be gone. She wants to make sure she is a positive influence on the students, if only for that day. “I love to learn and love the chance to share my enthusiasm for learning with students. The opportunity to help students gain knowledge and inspire them to be great is something I love to do. “
When asked about one of her favorite experiences, Amber shares, “One of my most favorite days while subbing was actually when I was a roving substitute at New Chelsea Elementary. It was my first time at this school and it was a great way to get a feel for the layout and atmosphere. I went to five or six different classrooms that day from Kindergarten all the way up to 5th grade and although I was only in each classroom for an hour or less it was so much fun to get to work with so many great students in one day. The next time I worked at that school I had so many students remember me and say ‘Hi’ to me in the hallways, it was super sweet. I have had so many great and rewarding days while subbing with MHED it was hard to pinpoint down just one and can honestly say that I love my job. “
Thank you, Amber, for all you do for MHED.